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Winter Spotlight Thoughts

NO WAY NEW RICK BLOG BEFORE 2025? I can't believe it either! But yes, I came out of retirement to...


Blog Update!

I just updated my Blog! Topics for this one include: TBOI Repentance +, Kingdom Rush 5 Alliance: Ancient Hunger, The 12th Incident And Kono Bijutsubu niwa Mondai ga Aru! Click this post if you are interested!


Entry 12.16.24

New entry hopefully today. More little edits you might notice.


Polar Express

The Polar Express (2004) is my favorite Christmas movie



Addressing the Nekoweb populace on my past actions


my stalker

i have a stalker. and he found this website. and i really have no idea what to do.


New Journal entry posted: The Game Awards 2024

I know I'm 3 days late, but here's my thoughts for this year's Game Awards


i DESPERATELY need Theo Dimas it's not even funny

I have a thing to say!


RSS Feed

Updates page now uses the RSS feed to populate its content. This has the bonus of letting me post updates to Nekoweb's new RSS Feed page. Also transfered all existing updates to the RSS Feed.


Status update on 2024-12-15T13:49:39.549446+00:00

(#bke7a3a) @<prologic> thanks


Internet Echo Chambers

I previously mentioned echo chambers as a concept within the indie web, but that post was awful, and I have far more to say about their role on the internet itself.


new blog post

wrote a new blog post. check that out.



added new member to nekolink


an actual post!

Fix-It Felix is so cute every time i see him he makes me blush amirite? Click box for dress up game.


NEWS: Updating Credits and Webrings

Added the Melonland Surf Club widget and also updated credits to include maxpixel's nekoweb stats code


New site, and mainly another social media rant

The site has had a big redesign! I'll go through what I've been doing to make it work. I initially started the rework by using the Astro framework. Unfortunately, I began having a lot of problems with...


Update to the Nekoweb Wiki

The Nekoweb Wiki has now been updated.


Your DNI Won't Do Anything Good

It's that time of the year, more schizposts about elements of websites I have a distate for. You know the deal, take everything I say 100% seriously and as fact.


Hero Shooter Balance

Hero shooters are games where you play as a wacky cast of miscreants doing objectives on a level to win against the enemy team. They’re characterized by having like 90000 different characters to choose from that all basically fall into like 4 different archetypes and have varying levels of usefulness in their specific archetype. Ever since Overwatch got made these games have popped up like mushrooms after a rainstorm and even in spite of …



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