API allows you to interact with your server programmatically. You can use it to automate tasks like updating, creating and deleting files, and more.
Unofficial docs with code examples: https://nekoapi.nekoweb.org/
API Documentation
API base URL:nekoweb.org/api
Send your API key in the Authorization header of your requests.
Rate limiting
Server will return ratelimit-limit, ratelimit-remaining and ratelimit-reset headers in response to requests. If you exceed the limit, you will receive a 429 status code.Donators get 2-3X rate limit.
Get your current rate limit status.
Method: GETReturns a JSON object with info about status of various rate limits for your account.
Example response:
"general": { "limit": 100, "remaining": 99, "reset": 1724615605438 },
"big_uploads":{ "limit": 5, "remaining": 5, "reset": -1 },
"zip":{ "limit":1, "remaining": 0,"reset": 1724615028902 }
If reset is -1, it means reset counter hasn't started yet, and will only appear after you make the first request.
refers to most of file operations, big_uploads
refers to creation of big file uploads, and zip
refers to importing and exporting of zip files.
Get information about your site.
Method: GETReturns a JSON object with id, username, title, updates, followers, views, created_at and updated_at properties.
Get information about a user's site. Replace :username with the username of the user. This endpoint doesn't require auth if requested from Nekoweb site.
Method: GETReturns a JSON object with id, username, title, updates, followers, views, created_at and updated_at properties.
Create a new file or folder.
Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedMethod: POST
- pathname: The path of the file or folder to create. Required.
- isFolder: false for file, true for folder. Required.
Upload a file or files. This will overwrite old files. Max 100MB.
Content type: multipart/form-dataMethod: POST
- pathname: The path of the folder to upload to. Required.
Delete a file or folder.
Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedMethod: POST
- pathname: The path of the file or folder to delete. Required.
Rename/Move a file or folder.
Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedMethod: POST
- pathname: The old path of the file or folder. Required.
- newpathname: The new path of the file or folder. Required.
Edit a file.
Content type: multipart/form-dataMethod: POST
- pathname: The path of the file to edit. Required.
- content: The new content of the file. Required.
Read a folder.
Method: GETQuery parameters:
- pathname: The path of the folder to read. Required.
Create upload for a big file. Allows you to upload files larger than 100MB.
Method: GETReturns a JSON object with a id property. Use this id to upload the file in chunks.
Append a chunk to a big file upload. Chunk must be less than 100MB.
Content type: multipart/form-dataMethod: POST
- id: The id of the big file upload. Required.
- file: Chunk of file. Required.
Move a big file upload to the final location.
Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedMethod: POST
- id: The id of the big file upload. Required.
- pathname: The path of the file to move to. Required.
Import a zip file from a big file upload. Replace :bigid with the id of the big file upload.
Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedMethod: POST