New server - September 5, 2024

Now Nekoweb is running on a new server! We are now using a much larger and more efficient server. This should make Nekoweb faster and more stable.

API Rate limits - August 25, 2024

We've added a new API endpoint - /api/files/limits that returns a JSON object with info about status of various rate limits for your account. We also allowed more zip requests to donators (it's 3X now).

Premium storage update - August 21, 2024

Hi, maximum premium storage has been reduced from 20 GB to 10 GB. Currently there's no sites that use more than 10 GB, so this change should not affect anyone.

We've decided to do this so that our growth is more predictable and sustainable. We hope you understand.

Following page improvement - August 15, 2024

Now following page sorts and groups sites by last updated date. This should make it easier to see when sites you follow were updated.

Dashboard and editor improvements - July 28, 2024

Hi, there's some improvements and bug fixes in the dashboard and editor:

  • Fixed moving files and folders
  • You can now sort files in dashboard by name, size or last modified
  • You can now see size and last modified date of files by hovering on them
  • You can now create files and folders from file editor
  • Made editor follow indentation settings of prettier.json file
  • You can now CTRL + click on folders in editor dashboard to open full dashboard in new tab
  • Fixed save error text being broken
  • Fixed file text search popup having broken style

That is all. Have a nice day!

New default theme - July 11, 2024

As you might already see, Nekoweb is now using a new default theme!

Unfortunately, person who made original theme didn't want it to be used, so it was replaced with a new one. This new theme was made by Rol, big thanks to them!

Changing default theme means that all other themes broke, so theme picker was removed.

Please contact us if you encounter any issues with the new theme. Thank you!

Atabook launch - May 23, 2024

In response to imminent 123Guestbook death, we've been working on our guestbook service called

It's done! We tried to implement basically all of 123guestbook's features (and there's some unique ones too).
In future there might be some kind of premium tier (most likely part of Nekoweb's Patreon) with custom css, custom domain or no ads (currently there's no ads at all but to cover costs there might be in future), but for now it doesn't have anything of that, just a free guestbook.

Updates - May 4, 2024

Some updates:

  • You can now add <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="170" height="28"></iframe> to your page to have actual 'Follow on Nekoweb' button! you can also style it by styling .follow element in elements.css file!
  • Non-Cloudflare domains are now supported!
  • Bunch of fixes and improvements (better pagination, no more cors errors between nekoweb sites, sorting by least views, etc)

NekoVM & release - April 8, 2024

Hi, new updates!

Most importantly, an actual gamechanger: introducing NekoVM, a Linux with Node.js and NPM running inside your browser, with full read/write access to your site filesystem.

What this means? You can now use any static site builder or framework to build your site. literally any framework, like actually! It's available to everyone too, not just donators!

Theres also support for local port forwarding so you can for example run vite dev server with frameworks that support it.

This is still beta. Report any bugs when u see them and backup ur site before doing anything in terminal. You can launch your site in terminal about once per minute (opening site in terminal counts to import/export zip rate limit which is currently 1 time per 1 minute (2 times for donators))

Theres also 2 more cool features:

  • You can now remove .html from your links! This was a very requested feature and now its here, you can enable this in site settings
  • Theres now support for setting custom HTTP headers for donators, also in settings!

While NekoVM is still Beta, this update log marks Nekoweb Release™️, yea if you didnt notice Nekoweb was still beta all this time.
Nekoweb has been running for almost 2 months now and most of issues have been fixed and things seem to run nicely. We hope it'll continue to be this way.

Teams & editor updates - March 5, 2024

A ton of new updates:

  • You can now invite others to edit your site!
  • Due to explore page being 70 megabytes now there is now a size limit for assets used in your site box: 2.5 MB. If you use image that exceeds it, it wont be loaded (sometimes it can load due to browser stuff but for most users itll be blank so keep this in mind)
  • Editor will show if one of ur assets in elements.css is over 1 megabyte in size and warn you of this (please consider other peoples internet)
  • Bumped site limit from 5 to 10 for cute kitty users
  • Added format button for html, css and js files
  • Added option to autoformat code on save
  • You can optionally change formatter settings by creating prettier.json file and including prettier settings (you can also nest them in js, html or css to only use them for these files)
  • Added emmet (it's a thing that allows you to write for example div#test and then press tab and itll turn into <div id="test"></div> automatically, neat)
  • Added text wrap option to editor (makes all text always show on screen instead of having to horizontally scroll)
  • Now Nekoweb has automatic password resets
  • Also its required to verify email now on new registers

Git support - March 1, 2024

Hii, this is like 4th day of Nekoweb, so here are some cool new features:

  • Nekoweb has Git support now!!!
  • You can now also claim subdomains instead of just domains (this means you can now have multiple sites without having domains)
  • You can now login to FTP with API key
  • You can now see who follows you
  • Added toggle to turn off cursors in settings

API support & cursors - February 28, 2024

2 days of Nekoweb - 1600 users!! New updates:

  • Nekoweb has API now!
  • Theres now multiplayer cursors on main page
  • You can change your cursor by uploading cursor.png to your root folder (max 12x17) (or 16x21 for donators)
  • You can chat by pressing Enter
  • You can now switch and browse your files from editor page
  • Theres now popular tags in explore page
  • Increased tag limit to 10 from 5
  • Improved pagination of pages
  • Now site boxes show ur main custom domain
  • Fixed unicode characters not working in dashboard
  • Added confirm to exit on unsaved changes in editor

Following - February 25, 2024

500 Nekowebbers!!! Here's some recent updates:

  • You can now follow people !!! press [+] on right of username
  • You can now search code in editor
  • You can now change font and font size in editor
  • Explore tab now filters out sites without any updates so its much cleaner now, but there was bug in first like 12 hours of nekoweb in which update count didnt update so if your site is not shown you should update it once or twice
  • Fixed bug with site deletions
  • Fixed bug with contact form not working
  • Fixed bug with Patreon perks requiring logout to appear, also it updates list more often now (15 minutes instead of 1 hour)

Launch - February 25, 2024

We can't believe this.. after 2 years... It's actually here!!!