Global RSS feed


NEWS: Really Simple Syndication

Made an RSS feed!! yippee!!!


Tutorial: 11ty Nekoweb rss feed

This WILL be edited in post for clarity, because I'm trying to balance comprehensivity with speed. If you don't use 11ty, I can still give a decent explanation of how to make an rss feed manually,...


Status update on 2024-12-12T22:31:49.044746+00:00

added a feature to generate rss and json feeds in txtlog


Status update on 2024-12-12T22:31:49.044746+00:00

i guess nekoweb has that rss feature based on my proposal


Status update on 2024-12-12T15:22:35.068981+00:00


Status update on 2024-12-12T15:22:35.068981+00:00


Status update on 2024-12-12T15:18:47.087382+00:00


Status update on 2024-12-12T15:18:47.087382+00:00


Site Update

Updated about me page!


Entry 11.12.24

New entry hopefully today.


NEWS: Rockets and Pop-Ups

Started the Rocket League shrine and added a stats pop-up on the main site page!


Terraria with Nadali!

Right into the ring of fire with master mode


Metroidvania Analaysis

Depending on who you ask, metroidvanias are either the first or second most obnoxiously named genre in close competition with soulslikes. The term is completely meaningless to most and the best you can hope to understand about metroidvanias is that they are inspired by Metroid and Castlevania. What is a metroidvania really? Does it have to be limited to such a static and boring amount of inspirations? Let’s talk. First off where exactly …


Bad Review Stagnation

Reviews can be a lot harder to make than you might think. Good reviews can be incredibly in-depth, spanning hundreds of pages to acknowledge all facets of the work, its inspirations, and its legacy. Bad reviews can be incredibly dismissive, revelling in their purely negative cynicism and often coming across like little more than hatred no matter how much the reviewer tries to argue otherwise. Bad reviews can also lead to fear on the …


World Webbed Ring

Created the Inventory Webring. Find It Under Misc. Everyone is welcome to join!


Viossa, Trigonometry

Tre Dannaht Un se ein Kott au Mahariso fu tuo


NEWS: Small Fixes

did some small fixes like changing the cursor on everything and fixing up the website buddy webring index


Snakes on a Plane Review

Snakes on a Plane is a film about Snakes on a Plane featuring Samuel L Jackson and a bunch of other people who aren’t cool enough to be known on a first name basis. In it, a bunch of Snakes on a Plane get really violent for some reason and ravage the entire crew and passengers. The film makes absolutely no sense at all, but what do you expect from watching a film called Snakes on a Plane? So yeah, the premise real quick. Some guy (I did not …


NEWS: Buddies

Created the Website Buddy Webring. Go and access it in the Toybox!!



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