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NEWS: New Starlight

Despite what the dates say, I have been updating a lot, just haven't been updating this specifically lol. I've changed the main theme and may potentially be discontinuing the other themes, update the Toybox, Shrine, and About Me pages, and overall just overhauled the entire site. Enjoy!


kaleido translation up!

translation of kaleido by lynch is now up! working on getting my other lyric translations on the site right now..


Status update on 2024-11-27T11:18:22.419699+00:00

he though of that because of the blue butterfly icon i think


Status update on 2024-11-27T11:18:22.419699+00:00

he though of that because of the blue butterfly icon i think


Status update on 2024-11-27T11:17:24.666294+00:00

so uhh yesterday i was scrolling through bluesky and then my dad asked "is that twitter", i said no, and then he thought it was a chinese twitter knockoff like bro bluesky wasn't even made in china


Status update on 2024-11-27T11:17:24.666294+00:00

so uhh yesterday i was scrolling through bluesky and then my dad asked "is that twitter", i said no, and then he thought it was a chinese twitter knockoff like bro bluesky wasn't even made in china 😭


Status update on 2024-11-27T11:15:06.909980+00:00

so uhh yesterday i was scrolling through bluesky and then my dad asked "is that twitter", i said no, and then he thought it was a chinese twitter knockoff like bro bluesky wasn't even made in china 😭


Forgiveness for Failure

Saw some channel that talks about arcade games. Arcade game players, undoubtedly being the ones who’ve been shafted most by the trends of both high-budget blockbusters and rinky dink one man crafts, tend to have pretty big and loud opinions and those opinions basically boil down to “pls make gaem more like arcade”. This works better for some genres than others, but the notion is understandable especially in the face of games …


Roger Ebert Comments on Video Games

In a not terribly notable blog post but one that’s so hilariously worded that it still trolls people to this day, Roger Ebert proclaimed that videogames would not be art in our lifetimes, if ever. He also claimed that people trying to debate him on this had made him weary and that he was going to make no attempt to defend his opinion, which makes people even more salty when they read it. Years after his death, lets poke at his corpse and …


Rambling About Recent Game News That I Care About


Oh goody, it worked.

BREAKING NEWS: girl finds out her mother enjoys music!!


Status update on 2024-11-24T15:55:57.199468+00:00

alright i'm gonna release my textlog ig


Status update on 2024-11-24T15:55:57.199468+00:00

alright i'm gonna release my textlog ig


Social Media Paradigm

There are many posts on small web blogs that are about Twitter and how bad it is, because so many bloggers were formerly on the biggest blogging site, Twitter, and they have strong opinions about it. This is not one of those posts. I do not use Twitter, but I am interested in dissecting things like the jackass neutral third party that I am, so I’ll be looking through what social media is today and asking the question of what it’ll be …


AOTY, 1970 - 2024


Best (and worst) music of 2024


Status update on 2024-11-23T19:42:33.012447+00:00

hello world


Status update on 2024-11-23T19:42:33.012447+00:00

hello world


Story vs Experience

You know I’ve been thinking through some of my older posts talking about videogames and story and what not, I realize I focus a lot on something that really isn’t the most important thing ever in hindsight which is how “videogames tell story”. That’s great and all, but not all videogames really have a story and I’m basically saying that they should. It might sound silly to say that videogames can’t have a …


Ludonarrative Dissonance Followup

A followup to a post on Ludonarrative Dissonance, where I talked about the concept and two games in particular that suffered heavily from its issues. I pointed out those two in particular because they were so heavily talked about as new paradigms for videogames as a whole, when they were really cheap trash stuck so far in the past that it was unbelivable anyone would praise them without having recieved financial compensation for doing so. …

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