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Status update on 2024-11-23T19:42:33.012447+00:00

hello world


Status update on 2024-11-23T19:42:33.012447+00:00

hello world


Story vs Experience

You know I’ve been thinking through some of my older posts talking about videogames and story and what not, I realize I focus a lot on something that really isn’t the most important thing ever in hindsight which is how “videogames tell story”. That’s great and all, but not all videogames really have a story and I’m basically saying that they should. It might sound silly to say that videogames can’t have a …


Ludonarrative Dissonance Followup

A followup to a post on Ludonarrative Dissonance, where I talked about the concept and two games in particular that suffered heavily from its issues. I pointed out those two in particular because they were so heavily talked about as new paradigms for videogames as a whole, when they were really cheap trash stuck so far in the past that it was unbelivable anyone would praise them without having recieved financial compensation for doing so. …


Thoughts on the Steam Deck

I don’t have a Steam Deck and I’m probably not going to buy one any time soon, but the concept of it is very interesting to me. Being a fan of the Vita, to me the Steam Deck seems like a spiritual successor and one that’s much more designed around the things I liked about the Vita rather than being horribly shitty and locked down without hacking. It’s also facing a real uphill battle by the contradictory nature of its …


Making Open Worlds Fun

Around the time RDR2 was popular, it seems there was some breaking point that got reached with open worlds that even the fans couldn’t stand anymore. The games were just too long, too boring, too dull. It felt like the majority of your time was spent on horseback going from place to place doing pointless shit. But what if we lived in a different universe, one where this dumb shit was fun? I dunno, let’s consider how we can make that a …


Modern Day Music Theft


People should be able to interpret art in any way


I tried VR

I was not built for this.


On Consumers Making Art

There is this idea picking up steam, particularly in regards to animation and video games, that the reason for the percieved drop in quality across a medium is as a result of the consumers who have supposedly done nothing in their lives but interact with their medium picking up the tools and creating something that is simply a bastardization of every piece of fiction they’ve seen so far. A lot of god awful remakes that feel like little more …


Half-Site 2

Updated the Half-Life 2 shrine in honour of its 20th anniversary. Made the navigation buttons easier to use, and added Nekoweb follow button.


Spec Bullshittery

PC specs have been getting more and more demanding every damn year. It almost seems like every time Nvidia releases their new bullshit graphics card, suddenly every single game has that as the recommended spec and last year’s cards are the minimum. Is it really worth spending hundreds of dollars on the brand new epic gamer hardware every single time a new one gets released? The answer is obviously fucking no but I mean you knew that …


Startup Pages

Startup pages are the pages that open when you open your web browser, or open a new tab. For most people this is just whatever generic shit the web browser has in mind, typically a search bar on an otherwise empty or ad-filled page, but did you know you with a slight bit of tinkering you can basically just set the startpage to whatever you want? I did, I've been doing that for a while and I'm gonna talk about it here.; ; First off, the startpage itself. This is just an HTML file. If you're o


Steam vs EGS


Fan service in manga


I Carry My Burden And My Burden Carries Me

My Burden Carries Me And I Carry My Burden



I went on a date yesterday!!!


Two Projects in a Month and What's Next

Let's talk about two university projects that I had done and what might be updated in my website in the future



Added a shrine dedicated to Half-Life 2, one of my favourite games of all time. Also made buttons resize on hover to improve immediate feedback.


I've Been Playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

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